Ranged & random spawning and proper destruction

Short post here, but I did incorporate in only being able to spawn friendly animals within a range around Noah.

Also implemented enemies spawning from all around the edges of the map instead of just one spot. May consider placing spawners or only having certain points where they spawn from to make it a tad bit more "tower defense"-esque. 

Finally got rid of a weird destroy bug where the enemy and friendly instance arrays were not updated properly, so all seems to be good on that front now!

Next up I really want to incorporate a friendly animal that doesn't move and does a ranged attack. The main work with this is not the animal itself or AI, but figuring out the best way to select between what animal you will want to spawn now.

Also want to start getting some graphics in as well because there is less than two weeks to go at this point.


game.zip Play in browser
83 days ago

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